Book Details
The Greater Goal book cover
The Greater Goal
Listed Authors:
  • Ken Jennings
  • Kenneth R. Jennings
  • Heather Hyde
Ratings: 5

Publisher's description. For decades we have been hearing about how strong organizational purpose drives customer and employee loyalty. Committees draft stirring mission statements and slap them on their websites, stick them on their annual reports, frame them on their lobby walls&—and forget about them. So what does it take to put an inspiring purpose into practice? How can you ensure that the highest values inform every aspect of your company's operations and sustain high performance for years to come? Through years of management consulting experiences, Ken Jennings and Heather Hyde have learned what it takes to connect purpose and performance. In this vivid business fable they lay out a five-point road map called “the Star Model” to guide leaders through the process of engaging executives, managers, and employees in creating a profoundly motivating purpose that becomes a basis for action at all levels. Jennings and Hyde tell the story of Alex Beckley, a new company president who receives a dramatic wake-up call that demands he live and lead differently. The Star Model transforms not only his work life but his personal life as well. Purpose gives everyone the feeling of working for a cause, not just a company. But simply having a greater goal is not enough. Leaders must also make this greater goal the foundation of their overall strategy and execute that strategy while staying true to the larger purpose. With Jennings and Hyde's expert assistance, you'll discover how to articulate your higher purpose, use it to create shared goals among all stakeholders, align all functions around the shared goals and higher purpose, and thereby drive organizational performance to unprecedented levels.

Page Count: 168 p.
Released Date: 2012-01-02
Book Version:
Publisher: Berrett-Koehler Publishers
ISBN Number: 1609942884
Book ID: yiFuQVldGCAC